Today marks the European Cultural Observatory event titled Reinventing City Centers: Drivers of Attractivity, featuring Esch-sur-Alzette, European Capital of Culture 2022. This event highlights the growing role of culture in revitalizing and enhancing the appeal of European city centers. On December 13, 2023, the French Ministry of Culture designated Bourges as the European Capital of Culture for 2028, launching an ambitious cultural project. This European label offers Bourges a unique opportunity to strengthen its connections with Europe while showcasing the cultural diversity of its local communities. Sylvain Pasqua, team leader for European Capitals of Culture at the European Commission, sheds light on the challenges and benefits of this designation.
– What is a European Capital of Culture? More than just an honorary title, a European Capital of Culture is an initiative created in the 1980s by Melina Mercouri and Jack Lang. Its aim is to celebrate Europe’s rich cultural diversity and promote common values among member states. This project highlights the unique characteristics of each city while inviting European citizens to discover the wealth of cultural expressions across Europe.
– Why Bourges? Among several French cities, Bourges stood out for its ambitious project meeting six selection criteria: alignment with urban development strategy, European dimension, artistic quality, community engagement, solid financial management, and implementation capacity. The project also includes cooperation with similarly sized European cities, such as Évora in Portugal and Budweis in the Czech Republic, which will also serve as future European Capitals of Culture.
– Economic and Social Impact Like Lille and Marseille, which saw their images transformed and experienced a 20–25% increase in visitors during their title year, Bourges anticipates similar positive impacts. A strong focus will be placed on sustainability, including appointing a “carbon commissioner” to oversee ecological initiatives. Signature projects include the transformation of the city’s train station by artist Eva Jospin and integrating cultural initiatives with mental health projects to further strengthen community engagement.
– Strengthening a Sense of European Belonging Through a project called “Our Neighbors,” Bourges aims to create connections between its residents and those of other member states, fostering a greater sense of belonging to the European Union. Collaborations with French and European cities renowned for their festivals, like Angoulême and Avignon, will enrich cultural exchanges at both local and European levels.
– Promoting Diversity and Inclusion Inclusion and diversity are central to the European Capitals of Culture initiative. Following the examples of Kaunas and Plovdiv, which implemented social cohesion projects, Bourges plans to engage all its communities and promote inclusivity to combat discrimination. In 2028, Bourges will embody the vision of a European Capital of Culture: an open, diverse, and connected city that will highlight Europe’s cultural richness.
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