POLAND – Krakow invites you to meet and talk!
Creating social links between people for a more human city center is the main purpose of the concept! The municipality of Krakow has developed a brand new and innovative concept while setting up “discussion benches” in its city center. We all lived under the sanitary crisis with restrictions and for once, this concept is giving citizens the opportunity to meet…
FRANCE – Could the energy of public transports supply city’s energy ?
What if the energy of public transportations could supply city’s energy ? Subways generate heat energy (engine, brake, …), furthermore, the confined spaces where people are interacting are also generating human heat. In that perspective, how can we use this energy while avoiding it’s loss in the air ?Several cities as London, Paris or Stockholm are working on these questions…
SPAIN – Valencia is rethinking urban planning!
Involving citizens in the heart of urban planning is the new mantra of Valencia. Name of the program : “Valencia, town of squares”. Many squares located in the heart of the city center have become pedestrian areas following people’s desire. The city used the same strategy for the square named “Place de la Reine” which will be totally pedestrian during…