European Observatory for City Centers

Inscriptions to the new European Observatories Webinars and replays of the past ones

Launch of the European Observatory for City Centers in Strasbourg

Following the organization of the 2nd Biennial of the European Forum in 2022 during the French presidency of the Council of the European Union, the decision was made to create the European Observatory on City Centers in collaboration with the 19 delegations.

This Observatory will be presented alongside the seven different thematic that have been taken on: City center management and its tools, Environment and urban life, Commercial and artisanal diversity and markets, Logistics and last-mile delivery, Culture and events, Urban planning and mobility in the city center, Housing and its evolutions.

The launch of the European Observatory is the occasion to bring together elected representatives, city officials as well as researchers in order to encourage the exchange of knowledge and best practices when it comes to revitalizing our European city centers.

FRANCE – Examples of territories implementing actions before signing the LUD charter: Three contexts illustrated through the cases of Bordeaux Métropole, the Valenciennes Métropole Urban Community, and the Le Havre Seine Métropole Urban Community.

The number of territories supported by the InTerLUD+ program currently stands at 58. While 10 new territorial and concerted urban logistics charters were signed in 2024, this foresees the launch…

The European Quote

Our Forum at a glance…

Our association of elected and deputies Centre-Ville en Mouvement is pleased to give you the brand new program of the 2nd European Forum on City Center. 

This new program is born thanks to our reflections and based on our various trips and discoveries within the European member’s states. 


European Tour of City Centers !

Nothing is more relevant than travels and video’s capture to see what is happening in Europe! During two months, two members of our Team have left Paris to discover stunning cities and meet officials and actors of city centers all around European Union!

During this huge trip, they had the great opportunity to exchange on good practices regarding city center’s management !

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*This event is not organized by the French Government. However we have been allowed by the French Government to use the emblem of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.